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Что такое терапевтические сказки? Сказкотерапия для детей — это метод психологической поддержки и лечения, в котором истории используются как инструменты для работы с эмоциональными, поведенческими или психологическими проблемами ребёнка.
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What are therapeutic fairytales? Story therapy for children is a method of psychological support and treatment in which stories are tools used to address children’s emotional, behavioral, or psychological issues. In this type of therapy, a psychologist or therapist creates or tells stories tailored to the child’s specific needs. A therapeutic fairy tale looks like a regular fairy tale but is always written according to particular rules and has a structured algorithm.

Story therapy can have various objectives:

  • Help children express their feelings and emotions.
  • Uncover and resolve the child’s problems or fears.
  • Support the development of self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Strengthen positive character traits and social adaptation skills.
  • Provide psychological support to children and help them overcome difficulties.
  • Goal-setting and problem-solving: A fairy tale can contribute to developing goal-setting, planning, and problem-solving skills.

Emotional difficulties: Fairy tales can help a child better understand emotions.
The stories used in this therapy can be similar to real-life situations the child faces or magical and fantastical to facilitate understanding and problem-solving. This method allows children to express their thoughts and feelings more openly through the story’s plot and characters, contributing to a more straightforward resolution of psychological challenges. A lesson presented as a fairy tale goes directly into the subconscious and has a noticeable therapeutic effect. This is essentially an algorithm with solutions to various complex tasks embedded in the child’s subconscious. It will pump out when it is needed.

“Read my therapeutic stories to your children and enjoy the impact.” – Anna Ewa Parkman.

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