
In today’s rapidly changing world, filled with new technologies, traditional psychology methods fall short. “Apocalyptin” offers a fresh, unconventional approach to self-help, combining expertise in NLP and therapeutic storytelling for quick, impactful therapy that can be completed in just a few hours.


  1. Why are the main characters teenagers? The main characters are teenagers for 2 reasons: in order to return the reader to the late teenage period (13-14 y. o.) for the purpose of «reframing» (powerful NLP Neuro-linguistic programming tool that allows to go back to past childhood events especially and replay them in a different way). Another goal is to attract teenagers to read the book. This particular period is a time when the worldview of a person is formed based on experience starting at birth. During this period the consequences of traumas experienced in infancy and early childhood are most visible and all the wounds are still fresh. Therefore, by working with this exact period of development and formation of personality when one can achieve good, visible results in the healing process. Thus, living the story in the Avatars of main characters, a teenager and an adult reader is experiencing reframing (powerful NLP method of transformation), a strategy when a person can go back to the past and reframe traumatic events. It is useful both for adult readers and teenagers. Reading the book can become a life changing turning point that if done early, can redirect teens’ lives into the best possible direction.
  2. Lifestyle, environment, feelings, emotions, odd looking characters, their manner of speech, the language they are using reflect the general state of most traumatized souls and is typical for the age, once again bringing a person into that time. The point of reference is complete darkness. Darkness and hopelessness. The author is not talking about a specific sophial layer. Abuse, neglect and violence occurs in all sectors of society from the elite to the ghetto, but all victims, especially when they are children mentally feel the same. Even if one looks out of a dirty window at a poor quarter, and the other – from a private jet in the clouds. Their internal state is absolutely equally horrible and physiological damage is the same. Therefore, at the beginning of the book, for the purpose of connecting to the state of mind of the traumatized person, the author was describing situations in life, lifestyle and living conditions of the protagonist. Thus standards of living and social status of the families of main characters should not be taken directly. This is a metaphor. The narrative creates a general impression of the mental state of a traumatized person, regardless of whether he/she lives in poverty or wealth. However all stories and traumatic events are taken from real life stories. They are not made up.
  3. Flashlight. A flashlight is a new vision that gives a ray of hope in a story. New knowledge. New knowledge is creating new understanding and interpretation, mind opening and shaping a new worldview. This flashlight is showing stuff that protagonists had no idea about opening his mind. Flashlight is showing a cause and effect, forming an understanding of this causal relationship of events and actions of people. This deep understanding of the essence of things provides the hero with the opportunity to transform his perception of the behavior of other people. This deep understanding makes it possible to replace negative vision and response with positive empathy and compassion. As the story progresses, the main character Odie goes through a slow transformation and strong natural resistance. It happens in real life. The more progress is made through transformation, the more new fabulous magical heroes appear around him. His vision, understanding, interpretations and his worldview changes as a result. It’s extending, opening, it acquires depth of understanding and causation. His reactions, his behavior, his emotional response and speech, his manner of speech are making huge progress. He comes out of complete hopeless darkness into the light . Replacing his anger and aggression with compassion and empathy. After his transformation is completed, Odi is helping the other main character Dina start her transformation process. Dina’s traumas are much more severe. Odi is able to help her go through her difficult path after his own growth has taken place. Dina’s resistance is much stronger than Odie’s. But eventually she achieves an outcome, improving her personality and language as well. There are repetitions in the story. All inner children have to get rid of the boxes they are sitting in. And they eventually do.

This is a typical and necessary tool for the process of healing. It may seem to be boring or annoying but it makes a lot of sense. Repetitions reinforce new neural connections in the brain, imprinting the information deeper and deeper into the subconscious mind. Repetitions are forcing your psyche to go deep into the basic emotions that are the roots of everything.

One of the most severe traumas of a child’s sexual abuse and sexual harassment is presented in the metaphorical form of a girl with a flower and in a direct way in narrative of Dina’s reality.

The plot is aimed to work with the subconscious. Real and realistic scenes of traumatic events are mixed with magic ones.


GRIFFIN is a solar hybrid creature that combines the head, wings and claws of an eagle with the body of a lion. Since these animals symbolize power over air and earth (the king of birds and the king of beasts), griffin is an impressive symbol of power, strength, protection and vigilance / awareness. Griffin is introduced as a powerful assistant in the process of transformation.


The Fish is a deep symbol very often used in Catholic and Christian symbolism – fish is considered a symbol of the origin of life in accordance, fertility, love and abundance. With the traditional cosmogonic concepts of most peoples on Earth. Pisces is also a symbol of the unconscious. It is a hidden signal to the subconscious to activate the genes of a new life being borne, love and abundance. Griffin who loves fish and runs away to eat it all the time is a metaphor for a powerful intent to change, which faces resistance, but this intelligent power constantly calls for search, contact and activation of genes of fertility, rebirth, resurrection and renewal.


The Elf. The meaning comes from the history of these creatures. Since myths are just ancient tales, the image of an elf is also a symbol of faith in magic or a miracle. This figure is introduced to maintain the Protagonist’s Faith in magic and miracles. This theme is reinforced by the fact that Elf works for Santa Claus.


The fairy. Actually, the origin of the word fairy remains unknown, but it is very similar in all European mythologies. The word fairy in Spain and Italy corresponds to “fada” and “fata”. Obviously, they are derived from the Latin word “fatum”, that is, fate, which was a recognition of the ability to predict and even control human fate. Fairies represent forces of fate that determine human life. The figure is introduced in order to make a turn in the hero’s fate


Hyena. A symbol of a nameless vice, impurity, inconstancy, instability, a two-faced person. In Christianity, the hyena is the devil who feeds on cursed people. Eater of carrion and sewage. At the same time, the hyena is a symbol of insight. That is why this symbol is the connecting bridge from darkness to light. They are appearing at critical turning-points. The appearance and presence of characters and their meaning forces the main characters as well as the readers shift perception and replace it with another one. The Hyenas are of great importance and influence in the transformative path of the main characters. An introduction of the hyena’s symbol in the book has a double and very profound meaning


Domestic goblins are invisible guardian spirits that monitor radiance of energy and space.

Griffin breaking through the window with its beak: it is the strength, the power of knowledge, energy, power that has broken through the consciousness into the subconscious impacting the characters lives.

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The world we live in has changed, where traditional psychology techniques invented 100-150 years ago no longer meet the demands of modern society. We are surrounded by fantastic new technologies, and this book is one of them. Everything is now conveniently straightforward and swift. Thus, a modern self-help book should also follow suit: captivating, easy to use, yet highly effective. It needs to offer something fresh and unconventional. This is where “Apocalyptin” comes in. Crafted by a successful millionaire woman and a millionaire’s coach, a professional psychologist who is a master of NLP and has expertise in therapeutic storytelling. The whole story will take 3-4 hours to read. It will be the quickest and most effective therapy in your life.
The book’s aim is to make this world better by helping people finally process psychological traumas and let go of grudges. Such a severe mission is easily achieved by simply engaging through an easy and fascinating story written in a modern language. The characters speak a contemporary language filled with cool slang. Despite its light format, the book is a serious work, combining powerful psychological techniques, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and metaphors. It utilizes the most potent tricks of NLP, body-oriented therapy techniques, and encodes deep meanings within its metaphors. It’s written strictly following the rules of therapeutic tales. Through metaphors, NLP techniques, and working with bodily sensations, a quick and effective system reboot occurs. Bypassing your critical mind, the story will directly interact with your subconscious and body. Every character and action in the story holds significance and purpose. The interpretation of images, meanings, and symbols can be found on the author’s website.

This intriguing magical tale isn’t just entertaining; it delves deep and effectively interacts with the reader’s inner child, offering profound therapy using the best psychological techniques for inner child work. The story incorporates significant practices from all listed modalities. That’s why trauma therapy and forgiveness have never been this easy! The story covers all major traumas, so everyone can find theirs. At some point, when you were deeply hurt, your defense system froze your feelings and emotions to survive. The issue is that our system is either on or off. When your defense turns off painful emotions, it switches off other emotions like love, gratitude, bliss, and joy. As a result, you face failures and difficulties in various life spheres: relationships, career, finances, health, or social presence. All of this can change and align just by switching your emotions back on. Positive life changes will follow your revived emotions faster than you think. “Apocalyptin” is a unique science-based tale that will lead you on the most effective and shortest path to healing.

After reading, you’ll have a lifelong impression. Forgiving is now easy. No more need to suffer or complicate things. With the book’s main characters, you’ll find support. They’re just like you, having faced difficulties. Still, they’ve managed to cope with severe traumas and let go of all grudges. Everything will be explained in simple terms and familiar imagery so that the only option left is to forgive. They will support you in overcoming your natural resistance and will soothe your pain. All of this creates a very comfortable, warm, and supportive atmosphere for your profound transformation. It’s no surprise the book has resonated so much with society, with many articles written and numerous positive reviews from respected professionals attesting to its efficacy.




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