Psychological traps is a reason of all our problems

The true causes of all problems and dissatisfaction in all areas in our life are physiological traps. To find out what they are, let’s answer the following questions:

1) Has it ever happened to you that a seemingly insignificant event spoiled your mood for a long time?

2) Have you noticed that in some similar situations you behave completely differently than how you’d like to and should and do it over and over again, and there is nothing you can do about it?

3) Maybe you want close and trusting relationships and do a lot to have that, but always get something completely, utterly different?

4) You work hard and have achieved something, you are respected, but you do not value yourself and consider yourself a disappointment ?                                                           

5) Have you noticed you tend to expect bad things from the world and other people? And even if it doesn’t happen, do you still expect it?                                             

6) Have you experienced a person starting a relationship with you then suddenly disappearing without explanation?                     

7) Do you constantly enter relationships with those who treat you indifferently?                  

8) Do you have some kind of a defect that makes it impossible to love and accept you?

9) Other people’s needs are more important to you than your own, but you don’t really know what you need?                                               

10) Are you afraid that something bad will happen to you, and even a simple cold scares you with a possible disastrous outcome ?

11) Do you feel unhappy, unworthy, despite praise and approval?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you have the traps in your psyche. Mental traps are formed in childhood from traumatic or disturbing, distractive events and imprint deep beliefs and behavioral patterns into the subconscious mind where they are reproduced automatically and unconsciously and messing up your whole life holding you back. From the carrier’s success and social connections to the personal relationship. Let’s make it clear – childhood traumas are caused not only by severe, hovering, offensive, unpleasant events, but also by hyper guardianship and hyper control or all permissiveness from parents or those who were raising a child and were restricting or encouraging the child’s independence. This, for example, creates learned helplessness. So all failures in all areas of life occur under the control of psychic traps. Trauma occurs when a child’s basic needs are not met. There are six basic needs:

  1. Basic safety.
  2. Emotional connection to others
  3. Autonomy
  4. Self-esteem
  5. Self-expression
  6. Realistic limits.

If these needs are not met, the child experiences trauma and the psyche is developing protective mechanisms turning later into mental traps. What kind of traps developed depends on what kind of stress action reaction every person had. There are 3 reactions to stress: run, freeze or fight. Which reaction will take place depends on the natural temperament of each person and exact situation.

So, for example, if basic security is not met, patterns / traps arise: a) rejection b) mistrust c) abuse. Lack of emotional connection causes a) emotional deprivation b) expulsion from society. A child deprived from independence is creating patterns: a) dependence b) vulnerability. Self-esteem forming in one’s immediate environment, forms a) inferiority b) insolvency. Suppressed self-expression forms a) submissiveness b) inflated standards. Realistic limitations, not correctly formed by adults, strike selectivity.

So, the traps of the psyche are forming: 

1. Typical perception of oneself and the world (self-assessment self-worth) 

2. Typical experience 

3. Typical behavior. Those are all your manifestations that are shaping your life in each area.

Traps are the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors formed as defense mechanisms that were shaped by traumatic events in childhood. Thus, a trap is a pattern or theme that originally was formed in a childhood and lasts a lifetime. They are not our friends. They are our enemies, the roots of our problems. The topic can be Rejection, Distrust, Emotional Deprivation, or any other I have described. Ultimately, in adulthood, we reproduce those conditions of our childhood that cause us the greatest harm. Try to be aware of the pain your shortcomings cause you and you will be able to realize what hurt you in your childhood – what were your basic needs that weren’t satisfied. Here we need to understand that the most significant time for every child is from 0 to 1 year old. So everything happening then is imprinting our psyche although sometimes we don’t even remember it. Even if you realize what your traps are, you won’t get rid of them. So your insights are not going to fix your physiological problems. Even worse, The traps stubbornly fight for survival. We are strongly drawn to feed it. This is due to the human desire for consistency (homeostasis in psychology and anatomy). If we now know the trap well, and although it hurts, it is comfortable and familiar to our brain/psyche and body. Therefore, it is very difficult to change it. Moreover, in childhood, our traps most often helped to adapt to the family we lived in. It was an urgent need. Later in life, the problem is that we automatically continue to behave and feel the way we used to. Thus, extensive retraumatization occurs. Trauma repeats itself again and again through patterns of behavior and expression. So, the same pattern of expression receives the same trauma from others because we are attracting the same type of people with similar trauma and same physiological traps. It’s a loop. Did you ever hear the people we are meeting are reflecting us? They are showing us our real inner state. Our conception of ourselves, others and the world. In most cases, it happens subconsciously. It is all about the traps of the psyche. Therefore, the only way to seriously change your life for the better and the best is to identify and eradicate these patterns of self-expression from your personality structure. Then a new personality will create a completely new reality free from psychological traps. It is a lot of work but it’s worth it since it will bring all desirable changes in all areas of life. It’s a metaphorical image of the “breakthrough”  that was accomplished by the main characters. 

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