About Anna Parkman

Anna Parkman was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia on May 30th of 1980 and spent her entire childhood there. When Anna was 4 years old, she started music school to study piano. Later, the commission of the teachers of the school at the NEP was recognized as the best in the field. Like every student of a recognized music school in Russia, Anna spent her childhood in the Philharmonic and the St. Petersburg Chapel, and of course Mariinensky Opera and Ballet Theater. Love for the opera and ballet with Anna remained forever. At just 7-years-old, Parkman’s parents divorced; it was the moment she knew her life was going to change forever. Pain and suffering filled her heart at such a young age because of fights between 2 parts of the family, her mother and her father. Two years later, she began to show interest in psychology. She read every single book from phycology shelf at her school, books by famous psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Psychology helped her a lot at the time to survive the dissolution of the family and troubles associated with it.
After graduating from high school Anna was enrolled in University of Cinema and Television in Saint Petersburg to a new and rare then direction of Public Relations. She graduated with the Bachelor’s degree in PR. She simultaneously studied Neuro Linguistic Programing and got her master practitioner of NLP certification.
Graduating from university Anna worked in an advertising agency for some time. Later she was working in her mother’s auditing firm handling PR and advertising. In 2005 she gave birth to her first daughter Sofia. But in 2008 left Russia with her and moved to Cyprus, later in 2010 she headed to the United States, or, more specifically, Miami, Florida where she met her future husband right away working in his company as an international market developer. When she gave birth to her second child son Alexander in 2013 she took a break from work taking care about children. During her stay at home mom period the circumstances of her personal life turned her back to psychology she was so obsessed with in her childhood.
So, she became certified by the Health institute as a life and health coach in the USA. Also she got life couch certification by Tony Robbins-Madanes training. Also Anna got her phycology degree online in Academy of phycology and coaching in Moscow. Parkman’s list of psychological specialties is extensive. These areas include, but are not limited to: cognitive behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, body-oriented therapy, art therapy, EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) for trauma, fairy tale therapy, children physiology, family psychology, schema therapy, Systemic and family constellations, psychosomatics, conflictology, emotionally focused therapy, personality disorders, sexology.
Even though this list is quite long, Parkman notes “this list will be replenished at all times as I study endlessly and plan to study many more modalities of psychology.” Her passion for psychology is palpable.
Utilizing the skills she learned and the areas she studied, she currently retains positions as a key opinion leader, lifecoach, and author.
She explains how her methods and extensive experience allow her to be the most effective in carrying out her current positions: “It is my deep conviction that an integral approach in psychology needs to be taken. It is highly professional to navigate in various types of psychology and combine the most effective tools and materials. This makes the work of a psychologist very effective and gives opportunity for powerful transformations for life changing improvements”. At that time Anna gave birth to her other daughter Mia in 2019.
Through all of her experience, Parkman wrote her first book, metaphorical fairy tale Apocalyptin, describing most common traumas including methods for overcoming trauma, and aiding others in utilizing the most effective psychological skills to help them heal and grow.
Now Anna is a mother of 3 children and a wife. Masterfully combining motherhood, marriage and career living in Miami Florida. Anna is known in the USA and internationally recognized as a phycologist. Anna also is Mrs. Florida Globe 2021-22. In May 2022 she created her non-profit foundation.
Sometimes the right book can be the magic formula that can help change the course of a child’s life, and to act as an aide in the repair of childhood traumas that can be the root cause of many troubles, misfortunes, and illnesses.
In Apocalyptin, the author daringly spearheads new and powerful psychological techniques and tools spun into a metaphorical tale to help a young teenage boy overcome an emotionally neglectful past. Through a mixture of graphic images and intense dialogue such as, “My father is a monster,” Apocalyptin presents a dramatically charged narrative to help release the power of healing from within.
Thirteen-year-old, Odi, has been a victim of his severely dysfunctional family since he was a toddler of two. He lives in the constant fear, shame, and stress associated with the cruelty of his reality – physical and mental abuse by the very people who should love and protect him. His whole life has been filled with darkness, misery – and hopelessness. His close friend, Dina, is also a victim of domestic abuse…including rape, and is trapped in a miserable life such as he.
Through this mystical fairytale called Apocalyptin, Odi meets several magical heroes including an angel, one of Santa’s elves, a golden griffin (dragon), and a metaphoric, whimsical fairy who speaks from the heart. Using this type of communication from the fairy’s point of view helps the author speak in a less authoritative manner as to not intimidate the reader.
Apocalyptin is designed to help victims of child abuse realize that, with clinical help, their reality could be a life filled with love, laughter, and abundance. Here, the author effectively explains that, understanding is essential to developing the critical thinking skills necessary to discover a new reality and educate them that suffering is a choice; negative or positive – and that these choices can impact their lives forever.
Apocalyptins’ author sets a philosophy that, in order for someone to have a chance at life’s opportunities and accomplish great things, they need to abandon the dark path of anger, revenge resentment, hatred, and violence. Odi soon learns that many people get stuck in negative situations; “life always has some sort of pain,” the fairy said. “But to hold onto negative feelings and deep beliefs about oneself in a world created by the mind of a young, traumatized child – is a sign of total defeat.”
Amongst the symbolic tools the author chose for her story is a magic flashlight designed to allow Odi to see the inner child of his abusers, and the abusers of others. Odi has mixed feelings when the fairy reveals a small, crying child in a box inside his stepfather (Metaphorically, the box is protection for the inner child to survive traumatic events). But knowing he is the same monster who had offended, beat, and mocked him for ten-years, an angry Odi is reluctant to be part of this experiment (No one tried to save me!)
Through the fairy, the author introduces Odi to a new truth to discover – the power of empathy. The fairy said, “To realize another’s pain and to show compassion for the inner child of an abusive offender – is a sign of tremendous strength. But returning to hate, fear, fury, and resentment, hiding in a box within oneself – therein is where the true weakness lies.”
The fairy could sense Odi’s pain and said, “Nothing since the day you were born has ever been your fault. In most cases, abused children become adults with a traumatized psychic. Therefore, children who were abused or were hurt in the past grew up and started hurting others.”
The fairy then revealed Odi’s own inner-child to him; it was time to help set him free. She stated, “Now…please…come over to this little you. Give him a big hug…” By focusing on the child within, and using self-psychology, the author demonstrates Odi’s ability to exhibit the love, support, and compassion that he’d never received from others. He didn’t have a loving mother and father to hug or love him, but the fairy reveals his own inner child to love. “Come to him now, please,” the fairy said. “Come to yourself and give your all to heal yourself with love! It is never too late to give love and support to your little one…to yourself.” A very powerful revelation transpires when Odi rushes towards the little one (his inner self), and hugs him tightly as he had always dreamed of being hugged by someone who loved him. The author stated, He sobbed like a wounded wolf. He cried out all his soul’s pain and the bodily injuries he had received in his 13-years – no longer feeling disgraced by his tears. Very powerful.
Big Odi snuggled Little Odi. “I love you; I love you, kid. I’m gonna give you the love that you didn’t have…that I didn’t have.” By going through this transformation of his own consciousness, Odi is able to shift his perception to help change his mindset – and begins the process of healing. But to do so, Odi must first rid himself of his own demons (negative emotions), change his response to events, and show love and empathy – even to people who try to hurt him. Only then can he help save his friend Dina and the others from their wrongdoers.
Odi finally finds Dina after a vicious beating by her mother, and she is very angry. Together, he and the fairy work with Dina to help drive her personal demons away. The fairy said, “Now that you fully understand the way it works, you will take care of your emotions, thoughts, feelings, and words. If you allow yourself to spread the rotten slime of resentment, anger, blame… the demons will be right there waiting.”
To conclude, Odi and Dina have learned that in choosing negative or positive manifestations of yourself, you can either add a deposit to the account of your dream life or withdraw in favor of your old life. The fairy said, “Live with love and gratitude. Be grateful for everything around you…” They chose to rid themselves of resentment and revenge focusing their attention on building a prosperous and happy future.
Respectfully submitted,